Objectives of the training:
•Understand the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D numerical approach and the types ofproblems it can solve•Know how to manipulate the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D user interface to access andinterpret results•Follow the recommended solution procedure to simulate a simple case
The following features are included as part of the standard UDEC license.
Structural elements — Structural Elements provide the ability to model support in UDEC. Reinforcement is modeled using cables that may be part of a local or global reinforcement model. Surface support is provided through beam elements (which may represent concrete lining, shotcrete, steel sets, etc.) and one-dimensional support members (which may be hydraulic or wooden props or packs).
Fluid and Gas Flow — UDEC can be used to model fluid or gas flow through the fractures of a system of impermeable blocks. A fully coupled mechanical-hydraulic analysis is performed in which fracture conductivity is dependent on mechanical deformation, and in return joint water pressures affect the mechanical computations. Confined flow, transient flow, two-phase flow and flow with a free surface can be modeled using UDEC.
Thermal — UDEC's thermal capability simulates transient heat conduction in materials and the development of thermally induced displacements and stresses. Heat transfer is modeled as conduction. Several different thermal boundary conditions may be imposed. Any mechanical model may be used with the thermal model. Heat sources may be inserted into the material and may be made to decay with time. Implicit and explicit calculation schemes are available and may be interchanged. The thermal analysis may be coupled to the mechanical and the fluid calculations.
Dynamic — UDEC can be used to simulate dynamic models for seismic, blasting and earthquake analyzes. Absorbing (quiet) and free-field boundaries and seismic wave input are all available. The dynamic formulation can be coupled to structural element, fluid flow and thermal models.
Optional modules available to purchase include the following.