Objectives of the training:
•Understand the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D numerical approach and the types ofproblems it can solve•Know how to manipulate the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D user interface to access andinterpret results•Follow the recommended solution procedure to simulate a simple case
InSite-Design 3.16 was released February 4th, 2020.
InSite-Design™ is a specific module of our InSite software developed to allow the user to inspect, analyse and model seismic array designs in an intuitive way while providing access to a range of advanced tools for manipulating the data.
Click here to download a brochure with full details of the functionalities and applications of InSite-Lite. To request a quotation for InSite-Lite please email us at itasca@itasca.co.uk
Technical support is provided by geophysicists with experience in commercial and research projects in the engineering, geothermal, radwaste storage and oil & gas sectors. We offer open software training courses and can provide bespoke training solutions for companies online or in person.