System Requirements in MINEDW

To install and operate MINEDW, your computer must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Processor – A processor with a minimum clock speed of 2 GHz is recommended. The speed of calculation for a MINEDW model is directly related to the processor’s speed; therefore, the selection of a high-speed processor is key to improving computational efficiency.
  • Hard Drive – At least 150 MB of hard disk space must be available to install MINEDW. In addition, a minimum of 200 MB disk space should be available in order to save model files.
  • RAM - The minimum amount of RAM that is required to load MINEDW is 4 GB.Generally, the combined RAM needed by MINEDW and its model storage should leave 0.5 to 1 GB for Windows operations. Windows applications that run simultaneously with MINEDW will reduce its calculation speed.
  • Display – To achieve best performance, a discrete video card, a screen resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels, and a 16-bit color palette are recommended.
  • Operating SystemMINEDW is available as a 64-bit native Windows application. MINEDW running on Vista x64 and Windows 7 are also currently supported by Itasca.
  • Output Device – By default, plots from MINEDW are sent directly to the Windows native printer. Plots can also be directed to bitmap formats (PNG or BMP).
MINEDW Software Downloads

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