

The SANISAND model (Dafalias & Manzari, 2004) is a stress-ratio controlled, critical state compatible sand model, which takes into account the effect of fabric changes in the multi-axial generalization. One of the merits of this model is that one set of material parameters can be applied to dramatically different stresses and densities. The material parameters have been well calibrated for Toyoura sand. Some material parameters are considered default values for most sands and need not to be determined separately for other sands.


  • bounding surface
  • critical state
  • liquefaction
  • effective stress
  • plastic


Dafalias, Y.F. & Manzari, M.T. (2004). Simple plasticity sand model accounting for fabric change effects. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 130(6): 622-634.

Cheng, Z., Y. F. Dafalias and M. T. Manzari. (2013) Application of SANISAND Dafalias-Manzari Model in FLAC3D. in Continuum and Distinct Element Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics - 2013, H. Zhu, C. Detournay, R. Hart, and M. Nelson, Eds. Minneapolis: Itasca International, Inc.


UDM Version: 4.0
Release Date: 2023年4月28日

Category: Sand

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